Sometimes "not enough" is not enough. But sometimes, upon mindful consideration, "not enough" is actually enough.
Sometimes the bathwater in the tub is the baby.
Meaning liberates (attention) by binding (it).
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is numbness.
In chasing a sense of self we are running from a sense of self.
Zen sharpens the eraser not the stylus.
Justice seeks proportion. Forgiveness transcends proportion.
Inability to forgive is forgivable.
Acceptance (in letting go of "what should be" and in opening up to "what is") has the finality of an amputation.
It's ok not to feel at home in this world. It wasn't custom-made for us. Our existence is entirely accidental.
The curious mind-fuck of it all is that a desire, once satisfied, turns into fear (first you want x, then you get x, then you fear losing x).
Generalizations are informational disinfectants; they sterilize raw intimacy of facts.
Writing doesn't document thoughts. It erases them.
We want to know why (something happened). But our search for causality is not guided by a scientist's hunger for truth but by a politician's convenience of righteous self-affirmation. Put differently, we search not to explain but to explain away.
Yes, our skin is thinner, and our tongues are sharper. But there are still stars in the sky. Have you noticed?
Hard not to spill the tea when the boat is rocking.
If you can't have the last word, have yourself the last silence.
To seek attention is to seek a taste of pseudo-self (which feels like the real self... but isn't).
Every fact has its own determinism, its own credentials of inevitability.
As a species, we are dangerously capable and easily deluded.
Afraid of facts, we escape into self-serving interpretations.
Oneness shadowboxes with itself: there is no "other."
The meaning (function) of meaning is defense against meaninglessness.
When you truly love someone you forgive them willingly and effortlessly, even when they betray you. Love is unconditional acceptance. Everything else is transactional conditionality, emotional barter, and dependence-attachment.
Never apologize for a fear.
Love is a state of nonduality. hate distances, separates. love approximates, unites. hate amplifies distance between you and not-you. love collapses this distance, allowing us a glimpse of original nonduality from which we come. love is a philosophy of nonduality.
Civilization is necessary but it is unnatural. We are modern-day apes trying to tame ourselves.
Silence, arguably, is the most important language of love.
Bias is information management. As such, bias is natural. We are far more interested in self-serving interpretations than facts because interpretation is control, and control is adaptive.
Brain is meat that doesn't think that it is meat. Brain is meat that thinks it is consciousness.
In moving towards freedom, we move away from it. Each choice is an act of self-determination, which becomes an act of self-incarceration.
Self-acceptance is not the end of ambition but a liberation of ambition from neurotic preoccupation with outcome.
There is a fear behind your anger. Acknowledging it is courage.
Meditation creates a sense of "space" b/c it undermines Kantian a-priori of sensing self as separate in space. It's a shift from dualistic, local view of self to a non-dualistic (and more spacious, if not boundless) view of self (as a non-self).
The inner voice is too an outer voice, internalized cultural programming. Never mind your mind.
Each "now" is complete. But we don't see it because we are focused on "what should be" instead of seeing the ordinary perfection of of what actually is.
What we now call a "universe" will be probably one day understood as a "cell."
Money is a distant echo of photosynthesis. Money is energy. Money motivates bodyminds to act. Money energizes. But money is not the only source of energy. Love is another source. Love too motivates and energizes. Love is too a distant echo of photosynthesis.
There are two types of family trees - family trees that are more attached to the ground than the leaves and family trees that are more attached to the leaves than the ground. goes here